The new OFISA-Misericordia consortium

Ofisia has joined forces with Misericordia di Firenze to create a new Funeral Services Consortium. Two important names in the Florence area, two well-known names that, together, offer a professional, reliable, attentive and also convenient service with special discounts.

It is from the experience of the Misericordia di Firenze and the competence of Ofisa that this consortium was born, which deals with everything related to funeral services at 360 degrees.

Hence, from the production, organisation, presentation and sale of funeral services to the intermediation of services.

We are therefore talking about the organisation of the funeral rite with everything that is necessary for it: choice of coffin, car, eventual arrangement of the farewell chapel or mortuary and services at cemeteries.

The Ofisa-Misericordia consortium's funeral services are carried out under a consortium scheme and provide discounts for Misericordia members, Buonavoglias and supporters of the Misericordia di Firenze.

A consortium that therefore offers convenience but above all professionalism and humanity, characteristics that are more important than ever when dealing with the loss of a loved one. Fundamental characteristics for Misericordia di Firenze and Ofisa, which, not for nothing, are among the two most deeply rooted realities in the Florentine territory.