Pension Practices


With the funeral comes a series of emergencies that are often not easy to deal with, either because of disposition or because of the administrative burden.

Thanks to the consolidated collaboration with the CISL's INAS (National Institute for Social Assistance) patronage, Ofisa is also able to take the place of the family member in dealing with pension practices free of charge. In a short turn of the hands, thus lightening the tasks of the social security institute (Inps), we can forward the request for the surviving spouse's pension.

INAS is the CISL patronage founded in 1949, which for over 60 years has offered assistance, protection, and advice to workers, pensioners, and citizens, helping them in concrete terms.

This is why it is so important for Ofisa to have a privileged partner who can help resolve questions and problems.

Unfortunately, there are many different social security institutions in Italy, and post-mortem practices are not always easy to resolve, especially if the deceased person does not have a direct family member who knows the situation perfectly well.


That is why, among the many services offered by Ofisa, there is also one dedicated to pension practices where highly specialised staff help the loved ones of the deceased to resolve the situation in the best possible way and in a timely manner.

Think, for example, of the supplementary funds that the dearly departed had taken out when alive, often without the knowledge of relatives and friends.

Ofisa is here precisely for this reason, to concretely help family members in their time of grief by working with them to clarify and proceed step by step through the time-consuming administrative and bureaucratic paperwork.

Practices that are often difficult to interpret because they are full of quibbles, but fundamental to resolve quickly, also to financially support the costs of the funeral and the living expenses of the moment, not to mention the survivors' pensions.

To find one's way through the many types of pension plans even in complex moments such as the loss of a loved one, a trusted advisor can take care of the paperwork and carry out what is necessary