
The Necrology OnLine service

To announce the death of a person, it has always been customary to publish obituaries. These may be published for a fee in daily newspapers or, in smaller municipalities, posted on the walls of the town. Their usefulness lies in communicating the death to as many people as possible, together with useful information for attending the funeral ceremony: date, time and place.

We at Ofisa offer a completely free obituary service that is published online on our site. This is an opportunity that we feel is really important and necessary to offer our customers, their relatives and friends, a system that gives them the opportunity to announce everything they need to know about the funeral, the place and time of the funeral. Likewise, relatives and friends have the opportunity to send a thought, a message of condolence to express their sympathy for the family of the deceased.

When there is not much to be done to help a person who is suffering, words help, as does the knowledge that they have someone close by they can count on, someone who remembers, in their own way, the person who has passed away. All the messages arrived on the site will then be printed out and delivered to the families with all the thoughts left in this dedicated space, as a reminder of the participation, the closeness of relatives and friends.

In addition to this, we believe it is also a very useful service to inform everyone of the day and place of the ceremony, without having to make countless phone calls to communicate this information.